Monmouth Arts

Monmouth Arts is a leading, independent, 501c(3) arts advocacy organization that delivers needed programs and services to artists, member organizations, and art affiliates to ensure the arts thrive in every corner of Monmouth County, New Jersey.  Assistance and support from Monmouth Arts is accessible in the form of funding, advocacy, programming, policy development, leadership, outreach, promotion, information, and knowledge-based expertise. Monmouth Arts is Monmouth County’s official arts agency dedicated to improving the quality-of-life for all those who live, work, and visit here by connecting the arts, artists, and the community.

Opportunities offered throughout the year include scholarships, individual grants, organizational grants, and exhibitions. Please contact Submittable directly if you have questions with the online form. For more information about these opportunities or about Monmouth Arts, please go to our website at

Monmouth Arts